600 series

This fully-automated laser de-coating solution is a mobile unit for aircraft and ground vehicles

• Metals
• Composites

• Mobile units meet international standard ISO 10218-1
Guarantee no damage to aircraft, ships, or vehicles
Safe around humans
Can work simultaneously with other human operator activities

• Multiple mobile units can work simultaneously to process vehicle and increase throughput
One operator can oversee entire process for a fully automated system
Indoor or outdoor use
Collision avoidance, self-guided platform

Operator control room:
• Sophisticated supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system
Networking capability with remote monitoring
Alarm and trending capability
Data collection for process improvements

Major components:
• Laser
Laser chiller
Robot arm
Self-guided platform
Beam auto-align
Extraction system
Optional contour-following module
Optional surface inspection module


Environmentally benign manufacturing is one of the world's greatest challenges. Besnovo takes us closer to that goal.

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